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Artigos gerais

Vol. 4 No. 7 (2023)

Mapeando a produção científica sobre Cultura Pop Japonesa na América Latina: uma revisão integrativa da literatura

July 25, 2024


In this article, we carry out a literature review of studies carried out in Latin America on Japanese pop culture, in particular, academic articles on this topic. Our corpus consisted of 37 articles, identified in the Scopus, Web of Science, Dimensions and Scielo databases. The results show that Brazil is the main stage for these analyzes and appears in 73% of the corpus. They also show a continuous growth in the production of scientific articles on Japanese pop culture, its media objects and related fan practices, starting in 2018, reaching its peak in 2021 and seeing a slight decline in the following years. The need to create a collaboration network between Latin American researchers is argued as a way of understanding the particularities of the presence of Japanese pop culture in the region and structuring better ways for its deepening and continuity in Latin American countries.